As a ten-year-old boy inspired by fellow Ohioan, Neil
Armstrong, when he became the first man to land on the moon in 1969, Scott
dreamed of someday becoming part of something larger than himself. Through a
series of serendipitous life events, ten years later he found himself the last
team member out of the first Space Shuttle External Tank prior to its maiden
flight on April 12, 1981. From humble beginnings to an extraordinary 33-year adventure
and part of this country’s greatest workforce of the 20th century—from
the beginning to the end. He blended his childhood passion for woodworking with
his interest in space and created hundreds of world-class one-of-a-kind exotic
hardwood Shuttle models which are autographed and owned by astronauts and space
enthusiasts. Today his passion is to share his heritage artwork and behind the
scenes, first-hand experiences and to keep the flame of inspiration alive through the legacy of the Space Shuttle Program.
Phillips worked on the Space Shuttle Program at the Marshall Space
Flight Center for 33 years. He is a motivational speaker, artist, songwriter, woodcrafter,
space historian, and space memorabilia collector. He lives in Harvest, Alabama
with his wife, Dianne, and two sons, Christian and Tyler.